The pandemic was a very difficult time for both students and lecturers. They sat all day in front of computer screens, not having any direct contact. And so we were lucky that Teams worked, that Platon functioned.
Journalism students from Vistula University asked their colleagues if the online studies introduced during the pandemic were very burdensome. Here’s what they replied.
Allahverdi Huseynzade:
I think firstly that was difficult for all of the students. Because it was the first time for all of us. However, as time started to pass I started to adapt. For now, it isn’t hard if I have an internet connection. Even these days, when I don’t feel very well, I prefer to join online. So for me, it isn’t really difficult.
Joy Laoun:
One of the biggest advantages is that you have more time for yourself. You don’t have to dress up and go to university. Classes are easier. Online classes are not difficult at all. Interaction with other students is better. On the other hand, not all students focus on online classes. Maybe some of them are watching Netflix or something like this. There is no direct contact with professors. Of course, you can email but sometimes they don’t answer. The relationship between professor and students is not the same as offline courses because you can’t talk face to face.
Vaqif Babayev:
Home is a place to relax and make their minds clear. A school is a place where students can work and study. The view that I hold in this is that, firstly, many learners, including me, have found it difficult to transition from being physically present at school to learning electronically. Because we have never had this kind of learning method before a pandemic started. However, as time has started to pass, we adapt to this learning. From my perspective, these days this kind of learning method is more relevant for students, and also, it is not hard for them. Because they do not leave their houses and join the meeting from their homes, that makes their life easy. However, if you have an internet problem, it will be hard to join the lessons. Otherwise, I believe that it is not very difficult to learn online.