Interview with Louis Miletti, PhD, Vistula University (Philology)
First, could you please briefly talk about your background? Who are you? Where do you come from?
I am from Puerto Rico, an island in the Caribbean Sea. I served in the US Army for several years. Afterwards, I obtained a PhD in Latin American literature at the University of Cincinnati, in Ohio, in the United States.
While growing up, what were your aspirations, goals, and interests, and who or what influenced them?
I wanted to be a professional baseball player and to complete a higher education. My parents encouraged me in both respects. They never biased my interests, so I always felt I had many options to explore.
Professionally, what attracted you to this field of study? Or what inspired you to follow this academic path?
My interest in literature influenced me a lot when I was growing up. For example, in terms of my free time and my views on the world, that was a significant factor in my decision.
What are the most memorable moments from your childhood or student life that have impacted your life today?
I can’t recall any particularly memorable moments from my early life that have impacted my life. However, for sure, I was a dedicated young person and, the way I was taught, my mentors, my family, my parents and the activities, all impacted me today.
How have things changed academically since you were a student and for the students that you teach today?
Smartphones have impacted classroom dynamics in a significant way. I believe it would have been useful when I was studying.
Do you have any personal interests outside academia? If so, what are they, and how do you balance them with your professional life?
As I have mentioned, I like sports such as baseball and basketball, among others. Travelling and discovering new places are my main interests outside my professional life.
Do you have any plans, hobbies, or passions you are still pursuing?
That is an interesting question. The only answer is that I’d like to become an entrepreneur one day. It is close to my academic journey, yet something different, so yes.
Lastly, what advice would you give your younger self or today’s youth?
Never give up on your dreams, believe in yourself and work hard to pursue whatever interests you. You can never know what you might achieve, and you may even surpass your expectations.
By Aryan Jha